The new moon is a potent time of sowing seeds of possibility. A time to dream, imagine, and bask in the glory of the union of the King and Queen of the celestial pantheon.Â
It is a night when stars dance in the darkened hall of the sky, twinkling with magic and beauty.
In Jaipur, a new moon is when artisans hold back on work, pausing to rest, and gaze once again into the eyes of their muse to find inspiration and direction.
It is also the time when offerings are made to ancestors to request their wisdom and blessings.Â

This first new moon of 2025 is held up in the constellation of Capricorn, the sign of determination, perseverance and duty according to the placements in Vedic astrology. Its lord, Saturn is next door, happy in his own house of Aquarius. He is strong and ensures his other house of Capricorn is in order and fit for his father, the Sun, the King, and the Moon, the Queen of the celestial pantheon.
Within the sign of Capricorn, the Sun and Moon are united in the lunar mansion or nakshatra of Shravana. There are 27 lunar mansions in all, spread out across the 12 zodiac signs and each one holds special meaning and significance. Each of the 9 planets of the celestial pantheon - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and the two nodes of the Moon, Rahu the North Node, and Ketu the South node, hold lordship over 3 nakshatras each.
Shravana is a nakshatra of the Moon and its symbols are an ear and three footsteps with each one growing in size.
The new moon in Shravana asks you to cultivate stillness and silence so that you may attune yourself to the message that the divine holds for you. Stillness opens you up to become receptive to the subtle ways in which the universe speaks. It allows you rise above the din of the incessant thoughts of the mind, to hear the rhythm of your heart’s truest desire. This is an ideal time to initiate a silent meditation practice that you commit to.
If you allow for stillness, you will be able to see yourself with new eyes. This nakshatra brings the gift of cutting through illusion and ego. It is a powerful time to recognize that the rhythm of your heart’s desire beats in alignment with the divine.Â
The seeds you plant tonight with your sankalpa will have the power to grow abundantly. Shravana is a nakshatra of growth and prosperity. It cultivates abundance both on the material and spiritual planes. It is night to listen closely to the divine guidance you receive and then to make a sankalpa accordingly and commit to it with strong determination.
This is the new moon of perseverance and hard work. Whatever seeds you plant, dreams you dream, be ready to do the work. Shravana will bless you with courage and determination to overcome all obstacles to achieve what you have set your sights on.
Initiate your sankalpa with a ritual tonight. Along with silent meditation and offerings, be sure to incorporate water into your new moon sankalpa ritual as it’s believed that this particular new moon has the power to transform water into divine nectar. Water acts a potent conduit between the mundane and the divine and has the capacity to not only magnify vibrations but to cleanse and remove unwanted energy.
The greatest offering you make to the divine is your sacred vow, your sankalpa. Honor it with complete commitment and strong resolve, in service of the divine. You are sure to be blessed with the fruits of your sankalpa in abundance and you will find your life flowing with the will of the Universe.
Sending you blessings for this beautiful new moon and for your sankalpa to blossom in alignment with divine grace.
Love and light,