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A talisman for life's curve balls.
"Even When" Necklace by Sapna Mehra

The idea for the Even When bracelet came when I was working towards coming back to making talismans and bringing them into the world.


Things were not working out. I was facing one setback after another and felt truly defeated. I was talking to a friend who was helping me get through this time and she said:


“Well, what can you do now? You need to find a way forward and repeat to yourself, ‘Even when things aren’t going my way, I can still manage.”


She helped me break things down to the simplest and smallest bits so I could manage. And just doing that, day after day, especially on the days I thought I would lose all my marbles, I made it here! At last!!


The Even When bracelet is for the days that you need a reminder to keep the faith, and keep going the best that you can on that day and in that moment.


That’s it keep going. One day at a time.

How to use your Even When bracelet.

Touch your bracelet and complete the following sentence:


"Even when things go/are ________,

(enter your favorite metaphor, word or phrase for when things go tits up. Mine starts with an F),


I can get through it by..."

(enter a list of 5 things you can do):






Here’s my list of five:

Take a pause. 

Some days this looks like going for a walk or doing some stretches. Other days it looks like cursing up a storm. I full-heartedly believe that a good cussing storm is balm for the soul.

Ask for help.

You might be thinking DUH, ya dummy! Obviously! But for those of us who (knowingly or unknowingly) struggle with perfection, asking for help does not come easy.


The past couple years have been, well, hard. I asked for help. It was one of the hardest things I’ve done. The thing is, if you need water and go to well that’s dried up, then that won’t work out so great. Like Mister Roger’s mom said, “Look for the helpers.” And then ask for help.


​I did and I received it. It did more for me than just pull me up out of a hole. It threw light in the darkness and I learned how to exhale and smile. For real.

Count my blessings.

This may feel hokey or ridiculous especially when things are, well, not going smoothly. But, I found that it's a great way for me to create an immediate shift and prevent me from spiraling into a hole that is really hard to climb out of.


Maybe you know someone who tells really bad jokes (I do). Ask them to tell you some. After five bad jokes, you’re sure to laugh. Or have a chat with your friend who’s got an incredibly dry sense of humor. Or watch a really funny movie. Or, watch cat videos. Even better, if you or a friend have a cat or a dog or other furry friend, play with him or her (this has got to be my all time favorite way to laugh).

Let go.

Yup. For real. Just let go. You can come back to it later. Maybe a couple hours later or a day or even a year. If it’s not happening now, just let go.


​It works.


I promise.

And then, get back to work. Your soul work. DO what makes your heart sing and put it out into the world. Let it be imperfect. But get it out there. That's how better days are made and know that every ripple you make is reaching someone who truly needs it.

The How and The Why

I chose a rose cut garnet as the featured gem. It's set into a fine silver base with monochrome black enameling on the sides and reverse. The stone is set into place with pure 24k kundan. It goes on a garnet colored nylon braided cord that’s adjustable and easy to wear. Fuss-free.


Garnet is associated with the energy of the Sun, the natural significator of your soul in Vedic astrology. The gemstone is meant to be a reminder of your soul purpose and to harness the action-oriented energy of the sun.


As always, kundan is used to set the gemstone and is symbolic of the power of transformation.


That’s it. Simple. The smallest possible steps.


Wear your bracelet, or even better get two, and gift one to someone you love who’s going through some tough times. Let them know you see them and you’re there to lean on.


It makes all the difference in the world. Because, even when, especially when, times are tough we get through them together.

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